
5.6 KiB


ISO 8601.

Semantic Versioning.



  • Command line interface has been changed to alecthomas/kong (breaking).

  • Compatibility with Podman.

  • Added support for Ubuntu 22.04.

  • Adding TestFiles to artifact config, transfers extra test files to VM.



  • Parameter --docker-timeout may also be set in the artifact configuration file.

  • Preload modules before inserting module or run exploit. Modules can be specified by git repository path in the repo parameter of section [[preload]]. Also, there is a path parameter for local projects. Note that repo is using a cache that uses last commit hash to check is project needs to be rebuilt, so it's not suitable for local development (except if you will commit each time before run out-of-tree).

  • Flag --disable-preload to ignore [[preload]] section of configuration file.

  • Now out-of-tree log dump will show the last log if no ID specified.

[1.3.0] 2020-05-30


  • Support for Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS 8.

[1.2.1] 2019-12-25


  • macOS support.

[1.2.0] 2019-11-15


  • Flag for Verbose output. Right now only qemu status messages is implemented.


  • Kpti settings was not affected for regular runs.

[1.1.2] 2019-09-05


  • Added policykit-1 to rootfs for Ubuntu.


  • Avoided slow mirrors with use of mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com for Ubuntu 16.04 and newer.

[1.1.1] 2019-08-31


  • macOS support.

[1.1.0] 2019-08-30


  • Global configuration file (~/.out-of-tree/out-of-tree.toml) allow to set up default values for settings.

  • rootfs generator for Ubuntu 14.04.

  • Parameter for setting up docker registry server.

  • Support for (distro-specific) custom docker commands that will be executed before the base template.

  • Parameter for setting up a reliability threshold for exit code.

  • Parameter for setting up global timeout, after which no new tasks will be started.


  • Spelling in output.

  • Now kernel generation will not fail if there are no directory /lib/modules inside the container.

[1.0.0] 2019-08-20


  • New parameter --max=X is added for autogen (generate kernels base on .out-of-tree.toml definitions) and pew (automated runs) and allows to specify a maximum number of runs per each supported kernel in module/exploit definition.

  • New command genall -- generate all kernels for specified distro/version.

  • All logs stores in sqlite3 database. Implemented specific commands for making simple queries and export data to markdown and json.

  • Implemented success rate calculation for previous runs.

  • Save of build results supported by parameter --dist for pew.

  • Support for generating kernels info from host system.

  • Support for build on host.

  • Support for custom kernels.

  • Now debugging environment is automatically looking for debug kernel on the host system.

  • Added ability to enable/disable kaslr/smep/smap/kpti for debugging by command line flags.

  • New parameter --threads=N is added for pew and allows to specify maximum number of threads that will be used for parallel build/run/test.

  • Tagging for runs. Tags write to log and can be used for statistics.

  • Added non-regex way to set kernel version in .out-of-tree.toml (see examples).

  • New command pack that perform tests in subdirectories.

  • Added ability to disable kaslr/smep/smap/kpti for in artifact definition.

  • Added ability to change amount of memory/CPUs and set qemu timeout in artifact definition (.out-of-tree.toml).

  • Now images downloading while kernel autogen, bootstrap is not required anymore.

  • Support CentOS kernels.


  • Now if there's no base image found — out-of-tree will try to use an image from closest previous version, e.g. image from Ubuntu 18.04 for Ubuntu 18.10.

  • Kernel modules tests will not be failed if there are no tests exists.

  • Now out-of-tree will return negative error code if at least one of the stage was failed.

  • Project is switch to use Go modules.

  • Now test.sh is used by default if copying is not implemented in Makefile.

  • dmesg is not cleaned before the start of module/exploit anymore.

  • qemu/kvm will use all host cpu features.


  • Kernel factory is removed completely in favor of incremental Dockerfiles.

  • bootstrap is not doing anything anymore. It'll be removed in next release.


  • Command timeout is not required anymore.

  • Errors is more meaningful.

  • Temporary files is moved to ~/.out-of-tree/tmp/ to avoid docker mounting issues on some systems.

[0.2.0] - 2018-12-01

The main purpose of the release is to simplify installation.


  • All configuration moved to ~/.out-of-tree.

  • Now prebuilt images can be downloaded with bootstrap.

  • Ability to generate kernels specific to .out-of-tree.toml in current directory. So now there's no need to wait for several hours for start work on specific kernel with module/exploit.

  • Now there's no need to keep source tree and out-of-tree can be distributed in binary form.

  • New command: debug. Creates interactive environment for kernel module/exploit development. Still work-in-progress.

  • No warning anymore if test.sh is not exists.

[0.1.0] - 2018-11-20

Initial release that was never tagged.

Refer to state after first public release on ZeroNights 2018 (video, slides).