Fork 0

Generate kernels.toml in kernel-factory bootstrap

dump_stack() 2018-10-06 17:47:13 +00:00
parent 847c934bda
commit 33fe9ed78d
2 changed files with 23 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ out-of-tree kernel {module, exploit} development tool
Read [Qemu API](qemu/README.md).
### Generate kernels
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/jollheef/out-of-tree/tools/kernel-factory
./bootstrap.sh # more than 6-8 hours for all kernels

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@ -1,10 +1,28 @@
mkdir output
echo > output/kernels.toml
find | grep Docker | sed 's/Dockerfile//' | while read DOCKER; do
CONTAINER_NAME=$(echo $DOCKER | sed -e 's;/;;g' -e 's;\.;;g' -e 's;\(.*\);\L\1;')
docker build -t ${CONTAINER_NAME} ${DOCKER}
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -a | grep ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
docker cp ${CONTAINER_ID}:/boot/. output/
DISTRO_NAME=$(echo $DOCKER | cut -d '/' -f 2)
DISTRO_VER=$(echo $DOCKER | cut -d '/' -f 3)
BOOT_FILES="$(docker run $CONTAINER_NAME ls /boot)"
for KERNEL_RELEASE in $(docker run $CONTAINER_NAME ls /lib/modules); do
echo '[[Kernels]]' >> output/kernels.toml
echo 'distro_type =' $DISTRO_NAME >> output/kernels.toml
echo 'distro_release =' $DISTRO_VER >> output/kernels.toml
echo 'kernel_release =' $KERNEL_RELEASE >> output/kernels.toml
echo 'container_name =' $CONTAINER_NAME >> output/kernels.toml
KERNEL_PATH=$(echo $BOOT_FILES | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep $KERNEL_RELEASE | grep vmlinuz)
echo 'kernel_path =' $(realpath output/$KERNEL_PATH) >> output/kernels.toml
INITRD_PATH=$(echo $BOOT_FILES | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep $KERNEL_RELEASE | grep init)
echo 'initrd_path =' $(realpath output/$INITRD_PATH) >> output/kernels.toml
echo 'root_f_s =' $ROOTFS_PATH >> output/kernels.toml
echo >> output/kernels.toml
find output -type f | grep -v init | grep -v '/vmlinuz' | xargs rm
find output -type f | grep -v init | grep -v '/vmlinuz' | grep -v kernels.toml | xargs rm
find output/* -type d | xargs rm -rf