Fork 0

Refactor argument parsing

dump_stack() 2018-10-27 07:48:06 +00:00
parent 672a8e6735
commit 1b9e72802d
2 changed files with 9 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ If you already have Go, Qemu and Docker installed, there's cross-platform instal
$ rm -rf {Debian,CentOS,Ubuntu/{14.04,18.04}} # speed up :)
$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ # wait several hours...
$ export OUT_OF_TREE_KERNELS_CONFIG=$GOPATH/src/github.com/jollheef/out-of-tree/tools/kernel-factory/output/kernels.toml
$ export OUT_OF_TREE_KCFG=$GOPATH/src/github.com/jollheef/out-of-tree/tools/kernel-factory/output/kernels.toml
$ cd ../../examples/kernel-exploit
$ # test kernel exploit
$ out-of-tree pew

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@ -429,17 +429,18 @@ func pewHandler(workPath, kcfgPath string) (err error) {
func main() {
pewCommand := kingpin.Command("pew", "Build, run and test module/exploit")
path := pewCommand.Arg(
"path", "Path to work directory").Default(".").ExistingDir()
kernelsConfig := pewCommand.Flag(
"kernels-config", "Path to kernels config").Envar(
pathFlag := kingpin.Flag("path", "Path to work directory")
path := pathFlag.Default(".").ExistingDir()
kcfgFlag := kingpin.Flag("kernels", "Path to kernels config")
kcfg := kcfgFlag.Envar("OUT_OF_TREE_KCFG").Required().ExistingFile()
kingpin.Command("pew", "Build, run and test module/exploit")
var err error
switch kingpin.Parse() {
case "pew":
err = pewHandler(*path, *kernelsConfig)
err = pewHandler(*path, *kcfg)
if err != nil {