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Nix application VMs: security through virtualization
Simple application VMs (hypervisor-based sandbox) based on Nix package manager.
Uses one read-only /nix directory for all appvms. So creating a new appvm (but not first) is just about one minute.
Search for applications
$ appvm search chromium
Run application
$ appvm start chromium
$ # ... long wait for first time, because we need to collect a lot of packages
Synchronize remote repos for applications
$ appvm sync
You can customize local settings in ~/.config/appvm/nix/local.nix.
Default hotkey to release cursor: ctrl+alt.
Shared directory
$ ls appvm/chromium
Close VM
$ appvm stop chromium
Automatic ballooning
Add this command:
$ appvm autoballoon
to crontab like that:
$ crontab -l
* * * * * /home/user/dev/go/bin/appvm autoballoon