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Define emacs packages system-wide

dump_stack() 2019-07-18 18:27:22 +00:00
parent de0e474c27
commit 3db83d9589
Signed by: dump_stack
GPG Key ID: BE44DA8C062D87DC
1 changed files with 18 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ in {
# utils
wget tmux zsh vim emacs htop acpi bc p7zip mpv
wget tmux zsh vim htop acpi bc p7zip mpv
git pass unzip zip w3m whois dnsutils feh
parted iotop nmap tldr sshfs pinentry_ncurses
oathToolkit neomutt pciutils easyrsa openvpn
@ -68,6 +68,23 @@ in {
autopep8 jedi yapf black flake8 rope
(unstable.emacsWithPackages(epkgs: with epkgs; [
# Programming languages modes
cobol-mode haskell-mode rust-mode scala-mode csharp-mode d-mode
solidity-mode php-mode go-mode elpy
# Development
helm-gtags slime xcscope
# Configuration languages modes
nix-mode markdown-mode dockerfile-mode yaml-mode ssh-config-mode
toml-mode pcap-mode
# Version control
magit git-gutter
# Generic
smex w3m exec-path-from-shell org-kanban
# Appearance
zenburn-theme solarized-theme
# dev
go gnumake gcc clang clang-analyzer global
maven binutils-unwrapped openssl bison flex fop libxslt