// Copyright 2019 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a AGPLv3 license // (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "runtime" "time" "code.dumpstack.io/tools/out-of-tree/config" ) func packHandler(db *sql.DB, path, registry string, stop time.Time, commands []config.DockerCommand, kcfg config.KernelConfig, autogen, download bool, exploitRuns, kernelRuns int64) (err error) { dockerTimeout := time.Minute qemuTimeout := time.Minute threads := runtime.NumCPU() tag := fmt.Sprintf("pack_run_%d", time.Now().Unix()) log.Println("Tag:", tag) files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { return } for _, f := range files { workPath := path + "/" + f.Name() if !exists(workPath + "/.out-of-tree.toml") { continue } if autogen { var perRegex int64 = 1 err = kernelAutogenHandler(workPath, registry, commands, perRegex, false, download) if err != nil { return } } log.Println(f.Name()) pewHandler(kcfg, workPath, "", "", "", false, stop, dockerTimeout, qemuTimeout, kernelRuns, exploitRuns, pathDevNull, tag, threads, db) } return }