// Copyright 2023 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a AGPLv3 license // (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file. package container import ( "bufio" "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "github.com/rs/zerolog" "github.com/rs/zerolog/log" "code.dumpstack.io/tools/out-of-tree/config" "code.dumpstack.io/tools/out-of-tree/distro" ) var Runtime = "docker" var Registry = "" var Timeout = time.Hour var Commands []config.DockerCommand type Image struct { Name string Distro distro.Distro } func Images() (diis []Image, err error) { cmd := exec.Command(Runtime, "images") log.Debug().Msgf("%v", cmd) rawOutput, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { return } r, err := regexp.Compile("out_of_tree_.*") if err != nil { return } containers := r.FindAll(rawOutput, -1) for _, c := range containers { containerName := strings.Fields(string(c))[0] s := strings.Replace(containerName, "__", ".", -1) values := strings.Split(s, "_") distroName, ver := values[3], values[4] dii := Image{ Name: containerName, } dii.Distro.Release = ver dii.Distro.ID, err = distro.NewID(distroName) if err != nil { return } diis = append(diis, dii) } return } func ImagePath(sk config.Target) string { return config.Dir("containers", sk.Distro.ID.String(), sk.Distro.Release) } type Volume struct { Src, Dest string } type Container struct { name string Volumes []Volume // Additional arguments Args []string Log zerolog.Logger } func New(name string) (c Container, err error) { c.Log = log.With(). Str("container", name). Logger() c.name = name c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: config.Dir("volumes", name, "lib", "modules"), Dest: "/lib/modules", }) c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: config.Dir("volumes", name, "usr", "src"), Dest: "/usr/src", }) c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: config.Dir("volumes", name, "boot"), Dest: "/boot", }) return } func NewFromKernelInfo(ki config.KernelInfo) ( c Container, err error) { c.name = ki.ContainerName c.Log = log.With(). Str("container", c.name). Logger() c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: path.Dir(ki.ModulesPath), Dest: "/lib/modules", }) c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: filepath.Join(path.Dir(ki.KernelPath), "../usr/src"), Dest: "/usr/src", }) c.Volumes = append(c.Volumes, Volume{ Src: path.Dir(ki.KernelPath), Dest: "/boot", }) return } func (c Container) Exist() (yes bool) { cmd := exec.Command(Runtime, "images", "-q", c.name) c.Log.Debug().Msgf("run %v", cmd) raw, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg(string(raw)) return false } yes = string(raw) != "" if yes { c.Log.Debug().Msg("exist") } else { c.Log.Debug().Msg("does not exist") } return } func (c Container) Build(image string, envs, runs []string) (err error) { cdir := config.Dir("containers", c.name) cfile := filepath.Join(cdir, "Dockerfile") cf := "FROM " if Registry != "" { cf += Registry + "/" } cf += image + "\n" for _, c := range Commands { // TODO check for distro type cf += "RUN " + c.Command + "\n" } for _, e := range envs { cf += "ENV " + e + "\n" } for _, c := range runs { cf += "RUN " + c + "\n" } buf, err := os.ReadFile(cfile) if err != nil { err = os.WriteFile(cfile, []byte(cf), os.ModePerm) if err != nil { return } } if string(buf) == cf && c.Exist() { return } c.Log.Debug().Msg("generate") output, err := c.build(cdir) if err != nil { c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg(output) return } c.Log.Debug().Msg("success") return } func (c Container) build(imagePath string) (output string, err error) { args := []string{"build"} args = append(args, "-t", c.name, imagePath) cmd := exec.Command(Runtime, args...) flog := c.Log.With(). Str("command", fmt.Sprintf("%v", cmd)). Logger() stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { return } cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { return } go func() { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout) for scanner.Scan() { m := scanner.Text() output += m + "\n" flog.Trace().Str("stdout", m).Msg("") } }() err = cmd.Wait() return } func (c Container) Run(workdir string, command string) (output string, err error) { flog := c.Log.With(). Str("workdir", workdir). Str("command", command). Logger() var args []string args = append(args, "run", "--rm") args = append(args, c.Args...) if workdir != "" { args = append(args, "-v", workdir+":/work") } for _, volume := range c.Volumes { mount := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", volume.Src, volume.Dest) args = append(args, "-v", mount) } args = append(args, c.name, "bash", "-c") if workdir != "" { args = append(args, "cd /work && "+command) } else { args = append(args, command) } cmd := exec.Command(Runtime, args...) flog.Debug().Msgf("%v", cmd) stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { return } cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout timer := time.AfterFunc(Timeout, func() { flog.Info().Msg("killing container by timeout") flog.Debug().Msg("SIGINT") cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt) time.Sleep(time.Minute) flog.Debug().Msg("SIGKILL") cmd.Process.Kill() }) defer timer.Stop() err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { return } go func() { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout) for scanner.Scan() { m := scanner.Text() output += m + "\n" flog.Trace().Str("stdout", m).Msg("") } }() err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { e := fmt.Sprintf("error `%v` for cmd `%v` with output `%v`", err, command, output) err = errors.New(e) return } return }