// Copyright 2023 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a AGPLv3 license // (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "time" "github.com/rs/zerolog" "github.com/rs/zerolog/log" "github.com/alecthomas/kong" "code.dumpstack.io/tools/out-of-tree/config" ) type Globals struct { Config config.OutOfTree `help:"path to out-of-tree configuration" default:"~/.out-of-tree/out-of-tree.toml"` WorkDir string `help:"path to work directory" default:"./" type:"path"` } type CLI struct { Globals Pew PewCmd `cmd:"" help:"build, run, and test module/exploit"` Kernel KernelCmd `cmd:"" help:"manipulate kernels"` Debug DebugCmd `cmd:"" help:"debug environment"` Log LogCmd `cmd:"" help:"query logs"` Pack PackCmd `cmd:"" help:"exploit pack test"` Gen GenCmd `cmd:"" help:"generate .out-of-tree.toml skeleton"` Image ImageCmd `cmd:"" help:"manage images"` Version VersionFlag `name:"version" help:"print version information and quit"` LogLevel LogLevelFlag `enum:"debug,info,warn,error" default:"info"` } type LogLevelFlag string func (loglevel LogLevelFlag) AfterApply() error { switch loglevel { case "debug": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.DebugLevel) case "info": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) case "warn": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.WarnLevel) case "error": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.ErrorLevel) } return nil } type VersionFlag string func (v VersionFlag) Decode(ctx *kong.DecodeContext) error { return nil } func (v VersionFlag) IsBool() bool { return true } func (v VersionFlag) BeforeApply(app *kong.Kong, vars kong.Vars) error { fmt.Println(vars["version"]) app.Exit(0) return nil } func main() { log.Logger = log.Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr}) rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) cli := CLI{} ctx := kong.Parse(&cli, kong.Name("out-of-tree"), kong.Description("kernel {module, exploit} development tool"), kong.UsageOnError(), kong.ConfigureHelp(kong.HelpOptions{ Compact: true, }), kong.Vars{ "version": "1.4.0", }, ) err := ctx.Run(&cli.Globals) ctx.FatalIfErrorf(err) }