name: Debian images on: workflow_dispatch: push: paths: - 'tools/qemu-debian-img/**' - '.github/workflows/images-debian.yml' jobs: images: name: Generate Debian images runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: digitalocean/action-doctl@v2 with: token: ${{ secrets.DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN }} - uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.8.0 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} - name: create droplet run: doctl compute droplet create --ssh-keys='b4:4c:66:7d:be:19:25:43:1c:e0:02:61:9f:49:12:94' --tag-name=github-actions ga-out-of-tree-images-debian-$GITHUB_SHA --size s-1vcpu-1gb --image ubuntu-22-04-x64 --wait # TODO Move to common script - name: generate images shell: bash run: | IP=$(doctl compute droplet list --tag-name=github-actions --format "Name,Public IPv4" | grep -v ID | grep ga-out-of-tree-images-debian-$GITHUB_SHA | awk '{print $2}') while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new root@$IP echo do sleep 1s done sleep 1m ssh root@$IP pkill apt-get || true ssh root@$IP apt-get update ssh root@$IP apt-get install -y git podman s3cmd ssh root@$IP git clone ssh root@$IP "cd out-of-tree && git checkout $GITHUB_SHA" ssh root@$IP "echo -e '[Unit]\nDescription=Debian image generator and uploader\n[Service]\nRemainAfterExit=yes\nStandardError=append:/var/log/images-debian.log\nStandardOutput=append:/var/log/images-debian.log\nType=oneshot' >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP "echo >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP "echo >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP "echo Environment=ACCESS_KEY=${{ secrets.DIGITALOCEAN_SPACES_ACCESS_KEY }} >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP "echo Environment=SECRET_KEY=${{ secrets.DIGITALOCEAN_SPACES_SECRET_KEY }} >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP "echo 'ExecStart=/root/out-of-tree/tools/qemu-debian-img/' >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP 'echo ExecStart=/bin/sh -c \"s3cmd put --acl-public /root/out-of-tree/tools/qemu-debian-img/*.tar.gz s3://out-of-tree/1.0.0/ --host=\$HOST --host-bucket=\$HOST_BUCKET --access_key=\$ACCESS_KEY --secret_key=\$SECRET_KEY\" >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service' ssh root@$IP "echo TimeoutStopSec=1 >> /etc/systemd/system/images-debian.service" ssh root@$IP systemctl daemon-reload ssh root@$IP systemctl start images-debian --no-block while ! ssh root@$IP systemctl show images-debian -p SubState --value | grep -E '(failed|exited)' do sleep 1s done scp root@$IP:/var/log/images-debian.log . ssh root@$IP systemctl is-active images-debian - name: Archive logs if: always() uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: images-debian-log path: images-debian.log - name: delete droplet if: always() run: doctl compute droplet delete -f ga-out-of-tree-images-debian-$GITHUB_SHA