// Copyright 2018 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a GPLv3 license // (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/rand" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "time" "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora" "github.com/naoina/toml" "github.com/otiai10/copy" "github.com/remeh/sizedwaitgroup" qemu "github.com/jollheef/out-of-tree/qemu" ) type kernelMask struct { DistroType distroType ReleaseMask string } type artifactType int const ( KernelModule artifactType = iota KernelExploit ) func (at artifactType) String() string { return [...]string{"module", "exploit"}[at] } func (at *artifactType) UnmarshalTOML(data []byte) (err error) { stype := strings.Trim(string(data), `"`) stypelower := strings.ToLower(stype) if strings.Contains(stypelower, "module") { *at = KernelModule } else if strings.Contains(stypelower, "exploit") { *at = KernelExploit } else { err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Type %s is unsupported", stype)) } return } type artifact struct { Name string Type artifactType SourcePath string SupportedKernels []kernelMask } func (ka artifact) checkSupport(ki kernelInfo, km kernelMask) ( supported bool, err error) { if ki.DistroType != km.DistroType { supported = false return } supported, err = regexp.MatchString(km.ReleaseMask, ki.KernelRelease) return } func (ka artifact) Supported(ki kernelInfo) (supported bool, err error) { for _, km := range ka.SupportedKernels { supported, err = ka.checkSupport(ki, km) if supported { break } } return } type distroType int const ( Ubuntu distroType = iota CentOS Debian ) func (dt distroType) String() string { return [...]string{"Ubuntu", "CentOS", "Debian"}[dt] } func (dt *distroType) UnmarshalTOML(data []byte) (err error) { sDistro := strings.Trim(string(data), `"`) if strings.EqualFold(sDistro, "Ubuntu") { *dt = Ubuntu } else if strings.EqualFold(sDistro, "CentOS") { *dt = CentOS } else if strings.EqualFold(sDistro, "Debian") { *dt = Debian } else { err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Distro %s is unsupported", sDistro)) } return } type kernelInfo struct { DistroType distroType DistroRelease string // 18.04/7.4.1708/9.1 // Must be *exactly* same as in `uname -r` KernelRelease string // Build-time information ContainerName string // Runtime information KernelPath string InitrdPath string RootFS string } func dockerCommand(container, workdir, timeout, command string) *exec.Cmd { return exec.Command("timeout", "-k", timeout, timeout, "docker", "run", "-v", workdir+":/work", container, "bash", "-c", "cd /work && "+command) } func build(tmp string, ka artifact, ki kernelInfo) (outPath, output string, err error) { target := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", rand.Int(), ki.KernelRelease) tmpSourcePath := tmp + "/source" err = copy.Copy(ka.SourcePath, tmpSourcePath) if err != nil { return } outPath = tmpSourcePath + "/" + target + ".ko" kernel := "/lib/modules/" + ki.KernelRelease + "/build" cmd := dockerCommand(ki.ContainerName, tmpSourcePath, "1m", // TODO CFG "make KERNEL="+kernel+" TARGET="+target) rawOutput, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() output = string(rawOutput) if err != nil { err = errors.New("make execution error") return } return } func cleanDmesg(q *qemu.QemuSystem) (err error) { start := time.Now() for { _, err = q.Command("root", "dmesg -c") if err == nil { break } time.Sleep(time.Second) if time.Now().After(start.Add(time.Minute)) { err = errors.New("Can't connect to qemu") break } } return } func testKernelModule(q *qemu.QemuSystem, ka artifact) (output string, err error) { // TODO err = errors.New("Not implemented") return } func testKernelExploit(q *qemu.QemuSystem, ka artifact, remoteExploitPath string) (output string, err error) { // TODO err = errors.New("Not implemented") return } func genOkFail(name string, ok bool) aurora.Value { if ok { s := " " + name + " SUCCESS " return aurora.BgGreen(aurora.Black(s)) } else { s := " " + name + " FAILURE " return aurora.BgRed(aurora.Gray(aurora.Bold(s))) } } func dumpResult(ka artifact, ki kernelInfo, build_ok, run_ok, test_ok *bool) { distroInfo := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s {%s}", ki.DistroType, ki.DistroRelease, ki.KernelRelease) colored := "" if ka.Type == KernelExploit { colored = aurora.Sprintf("[*] %40s: %s %s", distroInfo, genOkFail("BUILD", *build_ok), genOkFail("LPE", *test_ok)) } else { colored = aurora.Sprintf("[*] %40s: %s %s %s", distroInfo, genOkFail("BUILD", *build_ok), genOkFail("INSMOD", *run_ok), genOkFail("TEST", *test_ok)) } fmt.Println(colored) } func whatever(swg *sizedwaitgroup.SizedWaitGroup, ka artifact, ki kernelInfo) { defer swg.Done() kernel := qemu.Kernel{KernelPath: ki.KernelPath, InitrdPath: ki.InitrdPath} q, err := qemu.NewQemuSystem(qemu.X86_64, kernel, ki.RootFS) if err != nil { return } q.Timeout = time.Minute err = q.Start() if err != nil { return } defer q.Stop() tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp/", "out-of-tree_") if err != nil { return } defer os.RemoveAll(tmp) build_ok := false run_ok := false test_ok := false defer dumpResult(ka, ki, &build_ok, &run_ok, &test_ok) // TODO Write build log to file or database outFile, output, err := build(tmp, ka, ki) if err != nil { log.Println(output) return } build_ok = true err = cleanDmesg(q) if err != nil { return } if ka.Type == KernelModule { // TODO Write insmod log to file or database output, err := q.CopyAndInsmod(outFile) if err != nil { log.Println(output) return } run_ok = true // TODO Write test results to file or database output, err = testKernelModule(q, ka) if err != nil { log.Println(output) return } test_ok = true } else if ka.Type == KernelExploit { remoteExploitPath := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/exploit_%d.ko", rand.Int()) err = q.CopyFile("root", outFile, remoteExploitPath) if err != nil { return } // TODO Write test results to file or database output, err = testKernelExploit(q, ka, remoteExploitPath) if err != nil { log.Println(output) return } run_ok = true // does not really used test_ok = true } else { err = errors.New("Unsupported artifact type") } return } type kernelConfig struct { Kernels []kernelInfo } func readFileAll(path string) (buf []byte, err error) { f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return } defer f.Close() buf, err = ioutil.ReadAll(f) return } func readKernelConfig(path string) (kernelCfg kernelConfig, err error) { buf, err := readFileAll(path) if err != nil { return } err = toml.Unmarshal(buf, &kernelCfg) if err != nil { return } return } func readArtifactConfig(path string) (artifactCfg artifact, err error) { buf, err := readFileAll(path) if err != nil { return } err = toml.Unmarshal(buf, &artifactCfg) if err != nil { return } return } func performCI(ka artifact, kcfg kernelConfig) (err error) { swg := sizedwaitgroup.New(runtime.NumCPU()) for _, kernel := range kcfg.Kernels { var supported bool supported, err = ka.Supported(kernel) if err != nil { return } if supported { swg.Add() go whatever(&swg, ka, kernel) } } swg.Wait() return } func exists(path string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil { return false } return true } func main() { ka, err := readArtifactConfig(".out-of-tree.toml") if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } if ka.SourcePath == "" { ka.SourcePath = "." } kcfgEnv := "OUT_OF_TREE_KERNELS_CONFIG" kcfgPath := os.Getenv(kcfgEnv) if !exists(kcfgPath) { kcfgPath = os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/src/github.com/jollheef/" + "out-of-tree/tools/kernel-factory/output/kernels.toml" } if !exists(kcfgPath) { log.Fatalln("Please specify kernels config path in " + kcfgEnv) } kcfg, err := readKernelConfig(kcfgPath) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } err = performCI(ka, kcfg) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } }