package debian import ( "fmt" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { releases := []Release{ Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch, Buster, Bullseye, Bookworm, } for _, release := range releases { distro.Register(Debian{release: release}) } } type Debian struct { release Release } func (d Debian) Equal(dd distro.Distro) bool { if dd.ID != distro.Debian { return false } return ReleaseFromString(dd.Release) == d.release } func (d Debian) Distro() distro.Distro { return distro.Distro{distro.Debian, d.release.String()} } func (d Debian) Packages() (packages []string, err error) { c, err := container.New(d.Distro()) if err != nil { return } err = c.Build(d.image(), d.envs(), d.runs()) if err != nil { return } kernels, err := GetKernels() if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("get kernels") return } for _, dk := range kernels { if d.release != dk.Release { continue } p := dk.Image.Deb.Name[:len(dk.Image.Deb.Name)-4] // w/o .deb packages = append(packages, p) } return } type Release int const ( None Release = iota Buzz Hamm Woody Etch Lenny Squeeze Wheezy Jessie Stretch Buster Bullseye Bookworm ) var ReleaseStrings = [...]string{ "", "buzz", "hamm", "woody", "etch", "lenny", "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie", "stretch", "buster", "bullseye", "bookworm", } func (cn Release) Name() string { return ReleaseStrings[cn] } func (cn Release) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", cn) } func ReleaseFromString(s string) (r Release) { switch strings.ToLower(s) { case "1", "buzz": r = Buzz case "2", "hamm": r = Hamm case "3", "woody": r = Woody case "4", "etch": r = Etch case "5", "lenny": r = Lenny case "6", "squeeze": r = Squeeze case "7", "wheezy": r = Wheezy case "8", "jessie": r = Jessie case "9", "stretch": r = Stretch case "10", "buster": r = Buster case "11", "bullseye": r = Bullseye case "12", "bookworm": r = Bookworm default: r = None } return } func (d Debian) envs() (envs []string) { envs = append(envs, "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive") return } func (d Debian) image() (image string) { image += "debian:" switch d.release { case Wheezy: image += "wheezy-20190228" case Jessie: image += "jessie-20210326" case Stretch: image += "stretch-20220622" default: image += d.release.Name() } return } func repositories(release Release) (repos []string) { var snapshot string switch release { // Latest snapshots that include release case Wheezy: // doesn't include snapshot repos in /etc/apt/source.list snapshot = "20190321T212815Z" case Jessie: snapshot = "20230322T152120Z" case Stretch: snapshot = "20230423T032533Z" default: return } repo := func(archive, s string) { format := "deb [check-valid-until=no trusted=yes] " + " " + "%s%s main" r := fmt.Sprintf(format, archive, snapshot, release.Name(), s) repos = append(repos, r) } repo("debian", "") repo("debian", "-updates") if release <= 7 { repo("debian", "-backports") } repo("debian-security", "/updates") return } func (d Debian) runs() (commands []string) { cmdf := func(f string, s ...interface{}) { commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(f, s...)) } repos := repositories(d.release) if len(repos) != 0 { cmdf("rm /etc/apt/sources.list") for _, repo := range repos { cmdf("echo '%s' >> /etc/apt/sources.list", repo) } } else { cmdf("apt-get update || sed -i " + "-e '/snapshot/!d' " + "-e 's/# deb/deb [check-valid-until=no trusted=yes]/' " + "/etc/apt/sources.list") } cmdf("apt-get update || apt-get update || apt-get update") pkglist := []string{ "wget", "build-essential", "libelf-dev", "git", "kmod", "linux-base", "libssl-dev", "firmware-linux-free", } gccs := "'^(gcc-[0-9].[0-9]|gcc-[0-9]|gcc-[1-9][0-9])$'" pkglist = append(pkglist, gccs) if d.release >= 8 { pkglist = append(pkglist, "initramfs-tools") } else { // by default Debian backports repositories have a lower // priority than stable, so we should specify it manually cmdf("apt-get -y install -t %s-backports "+ "initramfs-tools", d.release.Name()) } if d.release < 9 { pkglist = append(pkglist, "module-init-tools") } var packages string for _, pkg := range pkglist { packages += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", pkg) } cmdf("timeout 5m apt-get install -y %s "+ "|| timeout 10m apt-get install -y %s "+ "|| apt-get install -y %s", packages, packages, packages) if d.release == 7 { // We need newer libc for deb8*~bpo70+1 format := "deb [check-valid-until=no trusted=yes] " + " " + "jessie main" // Keep it here not in repos to have apt-priority close repo := fmt.Sprintf(format, "20190321T212815Z") cmdf("echo '%s' >> /etc/apt/sources.list", repo) cmdf("echo 'Package: *' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("echo 'Pin: release a=jessie' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("echo 'Pin-Priority: 10' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("apt-get -y update") // glibc guarantee backwards compatibility, so should be no problem cmdf("apt-get -y install -t jessie libc6-dev") } if d.release == 12 { // For some kernels that use gcc-11 but depend on libssl1 repo := "deb bullseye main" cmdf("echo '%s' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/11.list", repo) cmdf("echo 'Package: *' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("echo 'Pin: release a=bullseye' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("echo 'Pin-Priority: 10' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/jessie") cmdf("apt-get -y update") cmdf("apt-get -y install gcc-10") } cmdf("mkdir -p /lib/modules") return } func (d Debian) Kernels() (kernels []distro.KernelInfo, err error) { c, err := container.New(d.Distro()) if err != nil { return } if !c.Exist() { return } cpath := config.Dir("volumes", c.Name()) rootfs := config.File("images", c.Name()+".img") files, err := os.ReadDir(cpath) if err != nil { return } for _, file := range files { if !strings.Contains(file.Name(), "linux-image") { continue } pkgname := file.Name() kpkgdir := filepath.Join(cpath, pkgname) bootdir := filepath.Join(kpkgdir, "boot") vmlinuz, err := fs.FindBySubstring(bootdir, "vmlinuz") if err != nil { log.Warn().Msgf("cannot find vmlinuz for %s", pkgname) continue } initrd, err := fs.FindBySubstring(bootdir, "initrd") if err != nil { log.Warn().Msgf("cannot find initrd for %s", pkgname) continue } modulesdir := filepath.Join(kpkgdir, "lib/modules") modules, err := fs.FindBySubstring(modulesdir, "") if err != nil { log.Warn().Msgf("cannot find modules for %s", pkgname) continue } log.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", vmlinuz, initrd, modules) release := strings.Replace(pkgname, "linux-image-", "", -1) ki := distro.KernelInfo{ Distro: d.Distro(), KernelVersion: path.Base(modules), KernelRelease: release, ContainerName: c.Name(), KernelPath: vmlinuz, InitrdPath: initrd, ModulesPath: modules, RootFS: rootfs, Package: pkgname, } kernels = append(kernels, ki) } return } func (d Debian) volumes(pkgname string) (volumes []container.Volume) { c, err := container.New(d.Distro()) if err != nil { return } pkgdir := filepath.Join("volumes", c.Name(), pkgname) volumes = append(volumes, container.Volume{ Src: config.Dir(pkgdir, "/lib/modules"), Dest: "/lib/modules", }) volumes = append(volumes, container.Volume{ Src: config.Dir(pkgdir, "/usr/src"), Dest: "/usr/src", }) volumes = append(volumes, container.Volume{ Src: config.Dir(pkgdir, "/boot"), Dest: "/boot", }) return } func (d Debian) Install(pkgname string, headers bool) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { d.cleanup(pkgname) } }() dk, err := getCachedKernel(pkgname + ".deb") if err != nil { return } var pkgs []snapshot.Package if headers { pkgs = dk.Packages() } else { pkgs = []snapshot.Package{dk.Image} } var commands []string cmdf := func(f string, s ...interface{}) { commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(f, s...)) } for _, pkg := range pkgs { found, newurl := cache.PackageURL( distro.Debian, pkg.Deb.URL, ) if found { log.Debug().Msgf("cached deb found %s", newurl) pkg.Deb.URL = newurl } // TODO use faketime on old releases? pkg.Deb.URL = strings.Replace(pkg.Deb.URL, "https", "http", -1) cmdf("wget --no-verbose " + "--timeout=10 --waitretry=1 --tries=10 " + "--no-check-certificate " + pkg.Deb.URL) } // prepare local repository cmdf("mkdir debs && mv *.deb debs/") cmdf("dpkg-scanpackages debs /dev/null | gzip > debs/Packages.gz") cmdf(`echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:$(pwd) debs/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local.list`) cmdf("apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist='sources.list.d/local.list' -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts='-' -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup='0'") // make sure apt-get will not download the repo version cmdf("echo 'Package: *' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin") cmdf(`echo 'Pin: origin "*"' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin`) cmdf("echo 'Pin-Priority: 100' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin") // cut package names and install cmdf("ls debs | grep deb | cut -d '_' -f 1 | " + "xargs apt-get -y --force-yes install") // for debug cmdf("ls debs | grep deb | cut -d '_' -f 1 | xargs apt-cache policy") c, err := container.New(d.Distro()) if err != nil { return } c.Volumes = d.volumes(pkgname) for i := range c.Volumes { c.Volumes[i].Dest = "/target" + c.Volumes[i].Dest } cmdf("cp -r /boot /target/") cmdf("cp -r /lib/modules /target/lib/") cmdf("cp -rL /usr/src /target/usr/") _, err = c.Run("", commands) if err != nil { return } return } func (d Debian) cleanup(pkgname string) { c, err := container.New(d.Distro()) if err != nil { return } pkgdir := config.Dir(filepath.Join("volumes", c.Name(), pkgname)) log.Debug().Msgf("cleanup %s", pkgdir) err = os.RemoveAll(pkgdir) if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("cleanup") } }