# Copyright 2018 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a AGPLv3 license # (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file. # # Usage: # # $ docker build -t gen-ubuntu1804-image . # $ docker run --privileged -v $(pwd):/shared -t gen-ubuntu1804-image # # ubuntu1804.img will be created in current directory. You can change $(pwd) to # different directory to use different destination for image. # FROM ubuntu:18.04 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt update RUN apt install -y debootstrap qemu RUN apt install -y linux-image-generic ENV TMPDIR=/tmp/ubuntu ENV IMAGEDIR=/tmp/image ENV IMAGE=/shared/ubuntu1804.img ENV REPOSITORY=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ENV RELEASE=bionic RUN mkdir $IMAGEDIR # Must be executed with --privileged because of /dev/loop CMD debootstrap --include=openssh-server $RELEASE $TMPDIR $REPOSITORY && \ /shared/setup.sh $TMPDIR && \ qemu-img create $IMAGE 2G && \ mkfs.ext4 -F $IMAGE && \ mount -o loop $IMAGE $IMAGEDIR && \ cp -a $TMPDIR/* $IMAGEDIR/ && \ umount $IMAGEDIR