{ config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import {}; in { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; programs.zsh.enable = true; programs.browserpass.enable = true; programs.adb.enable = true; programs.java = { enable = true; package = unstable.pkgs.jdk11; }; services.ntp.enable = true; services.tlp.enable = true; services.vnstat.enable = true; virtualisation.docker.enable = true; virtualisation.libvirtd = { enable = true; qemuVerbatimConfig = '' namespaces = [] user = "user" group = "users" ''; }; services.tor.enable = true; services.tor.client.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # nix patchelfUnstable nix-index appimage-run # utils wget tmux zsh vim htop acpi bc p7zip mpv git pass unzip zip w3m whois dnsutils feh parted iotop nmap tldr sshfs pinentry_ncurses oathToolkit neomutt pciutils easyrsa openvpn lsof tcpdump ddcutil pmount woeusb tigervnc file mkpasswd irssi heroku hdparm debootstrap proot fakeroot fakechroot lm_sensors powertop exfat traceroute graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat pdftk vnstat dunst ghostscript graphicsmagick browsh texlive.combined.scheme-full rubber pandoc jq socat # gpg-related gnupg unstable.yubikey-manager unstable.yubikey-personalization # virtualization nixops kvm virtmanager virtviewer spice spice-gtk (python3.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ ipython pillow opencv3 torchvision # elpy autopep8 jedi yapf black flake8 rope ])) (unstable.emacsWithPackages(epkgs: with epkgs; [ # Programming languages modes cobol-mode haskell-mode rust-mode scala-mode csharp-mode d-mode solidity-mode php-mode go-mode elpy # Development helm-gtags slime xcscope go-autocomplete # Configuration languages modes nix-mode markdown-mode dockerfile-mode yaml-mode ssh-config-mode toml-mode pcap-mode # Version control magit git-gutter # Generic smex w3m exec-path-from-shell org-kanban # Appearance zenburn-theme solarized-theme ])) # dev go gnumake gcc clang clang-analyzer global maven binutils-unwrapped openssl bison flex fop libxslt cmake manpages unstable.gradle cargo rustc guile hydra gitRepo rustfmt bazel ghc zlib gperf ccache opencv gotools # re radare2 radare2-cutter # x render vdpauinfo cm_unicode # base x rofi xlibs.xmodmap ubuntu_font_family i3lock unstable.kitty libnotify gtk_engines x2x lxappearance-gtk3 pulsemixer arc-theme xorg.xhost xclip gnome3.dconf gnome3.dconf-editor gsettings-desktop-schemas gsettings-qt xorg.xcursorthemes capitaine-cursors gnome3.cheese # x apps unstable.chromium escrotum unstable.wire-desktop unstable.tdesktop ssvnc tightvnc quaternion veracrypt evince krita gimp gnome3.gnome-maps android-file-transfer darktable xournal gnome3.eog audacious audacity matrique unstable.libreoffice electrum adobe-reader unstable.wireshark lmms unstable.firefox unstable.stellarium (writeShellScriptBin "torbrowser" "${unstable.tor-browser-unwrapped}/bin/firefox") ]; }